We use our shoulders constantly, day in and day out. If you are having chronic pain, stiffness, weakness, and limited mobility due to a rotator cuff tear in Peoria, IL, you may be at the end of your rope. You have options for treatment that can restore use, range of movement, and pain-free use once again. Dr. Miguel Ramirez is a fellowship-trained shoulder surgeon with special training in the latest techniques in rotator cuff repair. If you believe that you may have a rotator cuff tear injury or continue to have pain despite rotator cuff surgery in the past, contact our office at (309) 676-5546 to make your appointment and begin your healing today!
What Causes a Rotator Cuff Tear in Peoria, IL?
Rotator cuff tears are not uncommon. The incidence of rotator cuff tears in the United States is anywhere from 5-40%. In fact, Anatomic studies have shown that up to 40% of people over the age of 60 will have a rotator cuff tear—many times without even knowing it.
What is the Rotator Cuff and why is it important?
The rotator cuff consists of a group of tendons and muscles that form around the shoulder cuff to hold your arm in place. There are 4 muscles, one in the front and three in the back. When they contract, they allow you to raise your arm over your head. When these tendons are stressed, whether from trauma or normal wear and degeneration with age, these tendons fray and tear like strands of a rope. When this occurs, patients are left with pain, weakness, and in severe cases, inability to raise their arm over their head.

Symptoms of a Rotator Cuff Tear
Sometimes the signs you have a rotator cuff tear are not obvious. You should always listen to any pain or discomfort you have in your joint and do not keep moving or ignoring the pain in your shoulder. Symptoms of a rotator cuff tear include…
- Deep pain in the outer shoulder or upper arm.
- Pain usually worse with doing overhead activities
- Pain may be intense even when at rest, often times waking you up from sleep
- Weakness in the shoulder when lifting or rotating your arm
- Popping or cracking sounds when moving the shoulder
Diagnosing A Rotator Cuff Tear
Your doctor may make the diagnosis of rotator cuff with a combination of imaging and physical examination. Often times, it may require advanced imaging such as an MRI, ultrasound, or CT scan to make the definitive diagnosis. Dr. Ramirez will discuss with you which tests may be necessary to make the correct diagnosis.
Treatment Of Rotator Cuff Tears
Treatment of rotator cuff tears varies widely depending on the size and age of the tear, as well as each independent patient’s age, activity level, and overall impact on quality of life. Treatment modalities can range from steroid injections and therapy, to arthroscopic repair, or even shoulder replacement in severe cases. Dr. Ramirez will perform a thorough evaluation and create a specific plan tailored to your individual condition and lifestyle.
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of a rotator cuff tear in Peoria, IL area, it is important for you to see a medical professional right away.
If you would like more information about treatment for a rotator cuff tear in Peoria, IL, contact Dr. Miguel Ramirez. Call (309) 676-5546 to schedule your initial consultation today!