Complex Reverse Shoulder Replacement in a Crutch-dependent patient
This patient presented to the office with years of shoulder pain. He had a chronic rotator cuff tear and severe arthritis from years of ambulating on crutches. Given the amount of arthritis and his need to use crutches, several surgeons deemed his condition Irreparable with a high chance of failure. He was referred to Dr. Ramirez for consultation.

Dr. Ramirez obtained a CT scan which revealed a complex pattern of shoulder arthritis with very little bone to support a conventional reverse shoulder replacement.
At this point, Dr. Ramirez, in Conjunction with industry partners and his team of biomedical engineers at JUMP Trading Center at OSF, created a 3-dimensional model of the patient’s shoulder. This 3-dimensional model allowed to not only determine if a reverse shoulder replacement was possible, but allowed him to perform “virtual surgery” prior to the patient making it to the operating room.

Given the amount of bone loss, Dr Ramirez performed a posterior-superior augmented glenoid procedure secured by several screws.

Patient did well clinically and 3 months later, he returned for similar procedure performed on his opposite side.
Video of patient 6 months from his first surgery.